An application profile for recording ICH in museums' collection management systems

Safeguarding intangible heritage in museum contexts remains an underexplored domain. One threshold is the inability of current methodologies used for registering this heritage in collection management systems. The report "An application profile for recording ICH in museums' collection management systems" is a first step in the search for a new, integrated way of digitally registering various aspects linked to intangible heritage practices, in collaboration with heritage organizations, such as museums. 

What does intangible heritage mean for the collection policy of these organizations? How can you deal with this on a practical matter and in terms of policy?  

Workshop Intangible Heritage worked together with partner meemoo, Flemish institute for the archive collaborated with a view towards providing a first answer to these questions. Together with ICOM Belgium-Flanders, Workshop Intangible Heritage translated and updated the original version of the report into English.  

The report is available to download here

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